Sebastian Vettel: Desidero più trasparenza

( – Sebastian Vettel wishes for more transparency – and not just in the highest class of motorsports. “Transparency is a big topic of our time,” says the four-time world champion. “It should not only play a stronger role in Formula 1, but overall. I believe that processes can be disclosed, that one dares to take the steps.”

“I think with the principle that you have nothing to hide, you should not shy away from transparency. This applies to sports in general,” Vettel said in an interview with Sky. “I think many viewers would be interested in it. But if the information is accessible, many questions would be answered on their own.”

Recently, there has been criticism of the lack of transparency in Formula 1, especially in light of the Horner investigation. However, Vettel did not want to comment on this. “Of course, I know the team, Christian [Horner] and Dr. Marko very well, also from my time,” recalls the former Red Bull driver.

“But it is very difficult for me to have an opinion on this because you don’t know what has happened and what has not happened,” Vettel says diplomatically. “I think in that respect, one wishes for a bit more transparency, but I hope that time will clarify everything.”

“Less and less space for nature”

Instead, Vettel addresses another “big topic of our time.” “The climate crisis, but also the extinction of species, the decline in biodiversity, as well as the decline in the diversity of ecosystems, the foundation of life is being lost,” warns the 36-year-old to RTL and n-tv. “More and more forests are being cleared, more and more land is being lost, and so there is less and less space for nature.”

“We have the opportunity to make a difference in small and large ways,” Vettel reminds, who has often advocated for nature in the past. “Some more, some less. I believe that if one is aware of this, then one starts to ask questions.”

“And if you mix it all a little bit with childlike curiosity, then you also start to care. Therefore, I believe it is important to raise your voice and draw attention to it,” the 307-time Grand Prix starter tries to justify his intention.

Concerns for his own children

“I believe when one becomes aware of the situation, it is very, very serious and also very bleak,” says Vettel, who has been focusing on his family since the end of his active racing career. “Of course, the threat is extremely large and with your own children, the concept of ‘future’ becomes tangible for the first time. Otherwise, you always talk about the future somehow, but that’s somehow far away and you still have so much time.”

“But when you see your own children every day and can see their development, then you naturally worry and wonder in what world your own children will live in,” reflects the four-time world champion. “I believe that many of the comforts we have enjoyed may not be available in the same way today.”

“That young generations have to deal with this alone, compared to us, is perhaps not fair,” Vettel warns. “Therefore, it is up to all of us not to bury our heads in the sand, but to think about what we can do, to question ourselves.”