Inter Empoli: le curiose valutazioni su due difensori di Nicola

Empoli faced a tough challenge against the league leaders Inter Milan, and it was crucial for them to have a solid defense in order to contain their opponents. However, as often happens in football, not all players perform at their best on any given day. After the match, the performances of Empoli’s central defenders, Bereszynski and Luperto, came under scrutiny with different verdicts from different sources.

According to reports from two Italian newspapers, Corriere della Sera and Corriere dello Sport, there was a discrepancy in the assessment of Bereszynski’s performance. The generalist newspaper, Corriere della Sera, gave Bereszynski a rating of 5, highlighting his mistakes that led to Inter’s goals. They pointed out that he failed to clear the ball properly, leading to Inter’s first goal, and lost Sanchez for the second goal. However, they also acknowledged his positive actions, such as a good defensive play against Pavard. On the other hand, the sports newspaper, Corriere dello Sport, evaluated Bereszynski’s performance as sufficient, emphasizing his crucial interventions, like a timely header against Thuram and a save against Pavard.

On the contrary, Luperto’s performance received contrasting assessments from the two newspapers. Corriere dello Sport rated Luperto with a 5, indicating his struggle in reading the game and failing to anticipate Bastoni’s pass for Inter’s goal. However, Corriere della Sera had a more positive view of Luperto’s performance, giving him a 6 and highlighting his defensive contributions, including blocking Thuram’s attempts on goal.

It is evident that football evaluations can be subjective, and different perspectives can lead to diverse opinions on players’ performances. Despite the discrepancies in the ratings, it is clear that both Bereszynski and Luperto faced challenges against a strong Inter Milan side and will need to work on their weaknesses to improve in the upcoming matches. Davide Nicola will also need to analyze these performances and make adjustments to ensure a stronger defensive display in the future.