Volley: Monza sorprende con la magia, sconfigge Trento e si avvicina alla semifinale scudetto

Monza defeated Trento 3-2 (24-26; 25-22; 27-25; 25-27; 15-13) in game 3 of the semi-final playoff and reopened the series. Now the Champions of Italy lead 2-1 after not being able to close the deal in front of their home crowd, so Thursday night the action will move to the Opiquad Arena for the fourth game of a heated matchup between the regular season winners and the fifth-seed team, who have already eliminated Civitanova in the previous round. Fabio Soli’s men will try to win on the road to secure a spot in the final, while the home team will pursue another upset to force a deciding fifth game.

The attackers Eric Loeppky (24 points), Ran Takahashi (25), and Stephen Maar (22) put on a superb performance under the direction of Fernando “Cachopa” Kreling. Also worth mentioning are the performances of the middle blockers Gianluca Galassi (8 points, 3 aces) and Gabriele Di Martino (9 points, 4 blocks). Despite the efforts of opposite player Kamil Rychlicki (15) and the outside hitters Daniele Lavia (20) and Alessandro Michieletto (24), alongside Gabriele Nelli (9), the Trento team couldn’t secure the win. Also in double digits were middle blocker Jan Kozamernik (11) and Marko Podrascanin (7, 4 blocks), guided by Alessandro Acquarone.

The match unfolded as follows:

Kozamernik launched Trento in the early stages of the first set with a first tempo and a block, then Michieletto closed off the rally with a shot out-of-bounds for the 4-1 lead. A superb pipe from Lavia and a parallel hit from Rychlicki (7-4), but Loeppky and Takahashi quickly responded to tie the score at seven. The match continued in a balanced way, then the Dolomites signed a break with Kozamernik’s ace and Michieletto’s block (12-10). The Italian Champions extended their lead with Rychlicki’s serving: two aces interspersed with a shot from Michieletto and an invasion by the guests for a 17-12 advantage. A back-and-forth exchange of blocks between Loeppky and Acquarone (21-16), then Monza staged a dramatic comeback: Maar’s pipe and hit out-of-bounds, two consecutive blocks by Di Martino, a powerful shot from Maar, and the score was tied at 21. The score reached 23-23 and Loeppky’s ace gave Monza a set point, but he missed the serve. Lavia unleashed with a pipe shot and then Takahashi made an error, handing the partial victory to the home team.

The first break of the second set was led by Maar and Takahashi (7-5), then Monza extended the lead with Maar’s diagonal hits (10-7). Takahashi challenged Rychlicki head-to-head and the Brianza team remained ahead (14-11), before Rychlicki excelled with his hits and blocks (15-16). The Brianza team did not give up and stayed in front (21-18), before Maar’s pipe shot (22-19). A service error by the guests and an offensive error by Maar (21-22), but a first tempo from Di Martino and a service error by Lavia secured the 24-22 lead. Cachopa sealed the deal to give Monza the second set.

In the third set, a block by Kozamernik and a diagonal shot by Michieletto propelled Trento in the lead (4-2), but a powerful hit by Maar and a netted shot by Podrascanin brought the score level (5-5). Monza surged ahead with a shot out-of-bounds and a diagonal hit by Takahashi (5-7), then Maar’s block, a parallel hit and a powerful shot by Loeppky allowed the guests to double their lead over Itas (12-6). Kozamernik and Podrascanin’s blocks brought Trento closer (11-14 and 13-16), but two out-of-bound shots by Takahashi momentarily kept the Dolomites at bay (15-19). Michieletto’s pipe shot and Lavia’s ace narrowed the gap to two (17-19), Takahashi responded to Michieletto (19-22). Lavia’s pipe shot and a block by Acquarone brought Trento within one point (21-22), then they leveled the score at 23 with a diagonal shot by Lavia and an error by Takahashi. Takahashi earned the first set point, but the Brianza team missed the next serve. An attack error by Maar and Trento had a chance, but Loeppky denied it (25-25). Di Martino’s ace and then Michieletto’s second-line fault handed the set to Monza, giving them a 2-1 lead.

Monza was in total confidence and attempted to pull away early in the fourth set: a powerful shot from Di Martino and two blocks by Galassi for a 7-4 lead. Substitute Nelli tried to keep Trento afloat with a shot out-of-bounds and a diagonal hit (8-9), then Michieletto found the pipe shot to tie the game at 9. The Dolomites made a breakthrough with Lavia’s winner (11-9), but Maar’s shot and Lavia’s out-of-bounds shot leveled the score again (11-11). Monza committed two service errors and Podrascanin punished with two great blocks, allowing Trento to take a 16-13 lead. Monza did not give up and closed in with Takahashi’s winner and Galassi’s ace (16-15), but Lavia was ice-cold with two crucial points (19-16). Loeppky was not to be outdone (20-19), but Lavia and Nelli’s shots kept Itas in front (22-21). Michieletto’s brutal winner (23-21), a series of service errors, and Trento had two set points (24-22), which were, however, annulled by Takahashi and Maar (24-24). Trento earned two more set points, both nullified by Maar (25-25). However, the attacker made an error, and Kozamernik capitalized on the third useful opportunity with a great block, forcing a tie-break.

The decisive set remained in balance until 6-6, then Monza nullified with two out-of-bound shots by Takahashi (7-9). The Brianza team maintained the margin with a diagonal shot from Loeppky and a pipe shot from Takahashi (12-9), then Loeppky’s out-of-bound shot brought it to 13-10. In the most difficult moment, Trento emerged with a winning shot from Nelli and a parallel hit from Michieletto (12-13), but then made an error on the subsequent serve (12-14). Monza had two match points: Michieletto canceled the first, but then Takahashi came up with a thrilling block and the Brianza team won an incredible match.